Monday, December 29, 2008

White Christmas

We had a White Christmas here in Portland. It had been snowing and the city pretty much shut down for days so I had a bad case of cabin fever. All I wanted for Christmas was to get outta the house and do some paddling. And I got it! It was fantastic!

Sunstrip Campground, Clackamas River -
we had to walk through 2 feet of snow to put on.

Yes, it was a little cold.

But not too cold to stop and admire the scenery every once in a while!

View upstream from the take out at Bob's Hole.

Then home to Christmas dinner. I had put a roast in the crock pot so we had a great dinner in no time! A Merry Christmas, indeed!

1 comment:

Amy Jane said...

That is so great, you got to do what you love on Christmas! We missed ya though! So, I was cleaning out the car today and found a little package that I thought Shawn had mailed... So you get a second round at the present opening thing this year. Sorry that it will be so late :)